
Why do I like the smell of petrol

Why do I like the smell of petrol

why do i like the smell of petrol yeah whenever i visit gas station i just cut a scent of gasoline from the nozzle of the fuel dispenser at the same time i totally hate the smell of diesel and its exhaust in general do you also enjoy the smell of petrol you have a company why is it so to understand the spirit of a petrol smell addiction you need to understand the chemistry a bit of history human physiology and its alarming impacts on children first let's look into the ingredients itself petrol and diesel are both obtained from crude oil by fractional distillation method

 however they differ in the composition both petrol and diesel are composed of mixes of hydrocarbons like alkanes cycloalkanes aromatic hydrocarbons and some complex chemicals like aspartames petrol are gasoline contains hydrocarbons with chains between 5 to 10 carbon atoms long with d cells chain being slightly longer at 10 to 15 atoms b cell also contains more energy than petrol per liter making it a more efficient fuel so what makes petrol a pleasant smelling fuel while diesel a horrible smelling fuel not all the hydrocarbons in the fuel are simple straight chains there are also cyclic and aromatic carbon compounds present 

so these compounds are called aromatic they don't always smell pleasant petrol has some of the lighter aromatics like benzene and toluene and these don't smell too bad while diesel has relatively more of the heavier aromatics like napalin which are not very nice here benzene is the one responsible for petrol sweet smell that are also found in things like cleaning solutions paint and some glues did you know that benzene once was motor fuel in the early years of automobiling what americans called gasoline and british car petrol was either pure benzene or a mixture of containing primarily benzene and that's why in the early 1900s some of the rich women used petrol as a perfume and men used it in aftershave lotions as its toxicity became obvious benzene was replaced by another solvents like tulum 

which has similar physical properties but is not as carcinogenic however benzene is an important starting material for many perfume ingredients one of the most important perfume ingredients derived from benzenes to phenyl ethanol phenyl ethanol is a major component of rose oils and is widely used in perfumery well what exactly happens when you inhale petrol petrol fumes pass from the lungs to the bloodstream and then to the brain and you know that dopamine is a neurotransmitter a protein that transmits signal in the brain whenever you're smelling since nerves get that heat of benzene the mesolimbic system delivers a pleasing shot of dopamine it's essentially your brain telling you yes this is good inhale more of this as a result you'll start inhaling more gasoline smell it slows down brain activity and depresses the central nervous system in a similar way to alcohol a small to moderate amount of glycemin can cause dizziness and headaches however large amounts could lead to hallucinations loss of consciousness and even death oops let's limit ourselves 

don't intentionally sniff this stuff i don't like the smell of petrol but i'm not addicted sadly there are about 4 lakh 60 000 children and 1.8 lakh adults across india are addicted to inhalants like petrol paint whitener etc says a recent survey report moreover according to the union ministry of social empowerment inhalants are third most addictive substance among children after opioids and alcohols an interesting case reported was about an eight-year-old from bengaluru who was addicted to petrol he used to chiffon off small quantities of petrol from his parents vehicles and keep sniffing it his craving for petrol and paint was came to be known only when the child had seizures this is one of the example cases of inherent addiction why do children get addicted to inhalants the simple answer is their availability that making children much more vulnerable so let's keep an eye on those inhalants and children.

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