
What's the best diet & weight loss

What's the best diet & weight loss

Diets you choose the only most important thing is that you choose the right diet that works for you on top of that you actually have to make sure you consume less calories than your body actually burns on a daily basis that depends on your physical activity on a day-to-day basis as well as your metabolic functions so let's talk about ketogenic diet it's one of the most popular diets out there but it does only allow you to consume less than Weight Loss Products 60% OFFER  Buy Now 20 grams of carbs on a daily basis which is pretty low to give you an idea and a perspective of how much that is 100 grams of walnuts has 14 grams of carbs an orange has 12 grams of carb and medium banana has about grams of carbs so with ketogenic diet you have to actually be extra careful measuring your food because fat is a lot more dense than carbohydrates and protein and the slightest error that you're going to make measuring your food it could actually cause your calories to actually increase so you're not going to be in a deficit mode anymore when you're on a ketogenic diet you're going to be consuming a lot of fatty fish a lot of meat poultry eggs dairy and things like that if you're doing the healthy version of it if you're gonna do unhealthy version which i recommend for people
who are just starting out you could use sausage bacon and all the other fatty foods that you like now there are a lot of products out there that are processed and they're labeled as keto friendly like them but if you're into processed food i really do recommend having whole foods and natural foods as much as possible but if you have to have it then i guess you could go ahead and use it right so let's talk about the upsides and the downsides of the ketogenic diet the upsides of it is that you're going to be feeling full throughout the day because fat has the satiety effect that is going to keep you full for longer compared to when you're having  Weight Loss Products 60% OFFER  Buy Now sugar and carbs you're also not going to feel sluggish right after you had a full meal because normally when you have a full carb meal right after you're going to feel sluggish you're probably going to feel like you're going to want to have a nap but when you're on keto you feel energized and you're happy throughout the day no ups and downs the downside of a ketogenic diet however is that you're not probably getting the right nutrition that your body needs for a healthy life foods and foods and high carbs vegetables and root vegetables like sweet potato are not going to be included on a ketogenic diet so i don't really recommend it for a longer period of time i recommend ketogenic time to people who are just starting out and carbs i feel like it really does help them as it gives them a structure so they can stick to throughout a whole month or two and afterwards they can actually start reintroducing healthy carbohydrates to their diet such as brown rice or sweet potatoes and healthy carbohydrates  sure if it's done properly it will 100 result in weight loss but we have to be careful about a few things so the 16 8 method or the skip the breakfast method i don't really like the name and here's why number one reason i don't like the name is because a lot of people skip the breakfast thinking they're doing intermittent fasting but they're not because you have to make sure that you're doing it 16 hours every single day you can't be doing it 16 hours today and 14 hours tomorrow and maybe not fast for the third day it has to be consistent it has to be timed exactly for it to actually work so the second reason is that people mistakenly think that they can actually do whatever they want or eat whatever they want as long as they're fasting for 16 hours it doesn't work like that you have to actually pay attention to what you're eating you have to make sure that your food includes all the nutrients that your body needs so for example if you actually decide to have a slice of pizza after fasting for 16 hours your body is going to absorb all the nutrients and all the single every single molecules that is in that food into your body but if you don't need it if it's not nutritious you're basically not getting all the benefits that you should from intermittent fasting so the second method of fasting is eat to stop eat the way it works is that you don't really eat for 24 hours once or twice a week so what it does is that it does reduce your calories throughout the week and it will result in some weight loss the third method is the 5-2 diet is when you actually consume only five to 600 calories on two consecutive days during a week but for the rest of the week you actually eat normally for the other five days why because your body only has a few hours to be able to get the nutrients that it needs in order to be able to live a healthy and long life diseases such as osteoporosis celiac blood pressure anemia and things like that could actually be waiting for you if you don't give your body the right nutrition so if you're actually thinking of following these fat diets there could be a lot of health implications  get the words out there and i try to let people know to be careful about their nutrients and nutrition and what they choose to put in their body what kind of diet they choose to follow these are very important basically dictates your life so make sure you look into it and keep an open mind low carb diets are pretty much my favorite it only allows you to have carbs that are less than 26 grams in a day that basically pretty much includes a cup of brown rice which is 45 grams of carbohydrates two slices of whole grains which is about 24 grams of carbs and you're left with 30 grams of carbs which you can get from fruits and vegetables so with low carbs diet you can't really be eating sugar because it has a lot of carbs and it basically defies the whole point of being on a low carb diet so if you're a sugar addict like and the healthiest diet for people especially with adhd and everyone else is the mediterranean diet is actually practiced in mediterranean regions Weight Loss Products 60% OFFER  Buy Now like spain italy and greece and if you actually look into those areas a lot of people there live past the age of 90. their diet includes a lot of fatty fish a lot of oils like olive oils you know greeks like the olive oils and they also have pasta rice and potatoes so there's nothing wrong with these foods if you actually stick to your calories and also feel like the best type of food would be something that includes a little bit of carbs at least i think a low-carb diet would be ideal if you're just starting out maybe start with keto work your way towards a low-carb diet and then you can try intermittent fasting once you're more advanced 

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